Roundtable Discussion

Research for Impact: Notes from the Field


Dr Rebecca Grais

Dr Rebecca Grais

Executive Director, Pasteur Network


Dr Rebecca F. Grais is the Executive Director of the Pasteur Network. Previously, she served as the Director of Research at Epicentre, an epidemiology and research branch of Médecins Sans Frontières. Her work primarily focuses on the prevention of infectious diseases and emerging infections in low- and middle-income countries, with an emphasis on public health intervention studies and efficacy trials of new vaccines and therapeutics. She also prioritises professional development, mentoring, and management training for underrepresented populations in scientific research to foster career advancement and healthcare innovation.

Dr Grais holds a doctorate, two master's degrees, and a bachelor's degree from Johns Hopkins University, as well as a "Habilitation à diriger des Recherches" from the Faculté de Médecine Paris Saclay, France. She has authored over 200 peer-reviewed publications and participates in numerous scientific, funding, and international organisation committees and advisory groups, particularly in vaccine development and epidemiologic studies among vulnerable populations. Additionally, she is a member of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts at the WHO.